Interesne dejavnosti
četrtek, 24. september 2020

Študentski večeri / Student nights

Tematski družabni študentski večeri na ŠOUP.

OPOZORILO: Zaradi slabšanja epidemiološke slike v povezavi s širjenjem bolezni COVID-19, se študentski družabni večeri do nadaljnega ne bodo izvajali.

WARNING: Due to the deteriorating of the epidemiological status associated with the spread of COVID-19 disease, student social evenings will not be held.

Študentska organizacija Univerze na Primorskem (ŠOUP) pripravlja tedenske tematske družabne večere. 

V prostorih ŠOUP se bodo ob četrtkih odvili družabni večeri, in sicer FIFA turnirji in razne druge Xbox igre, glasbeni večeri (kitara, karaoke), namizne družabne igre (Monopoly, Activity, Catan), igre s kartami (UNO, Briškola, Tarok, Poker), pikado, itd. 

Vstop na družabne večere je za študente in mlade brezplačen. Število mest je omejeno, prijaviti se je mogoče TUKAJ!

Podaj predlog tematskega večera tudi ti!

Imaš idejo za tematski večer na ŠOUP? Povej nam! Predloge za tematske večere lahko podaš ob obisku dogodka, na ali preko naših družbenih omrežjih Facebook in Instagram.

Student Organization of the University of Primorska (SOUP) will organize weekly themed student nights.

On the first student night event, a FIFA tournament will be organized, which will be played in doubles or individually, depending on the number of entries. Future registrations for the Thursday evenings will only be required if a tournament is planned.

REGISTRATION: online form

Student nights at SOUP

Free social evenings will take place on 9.10.2020 an then from 29.10.2020 every Thursday between 7pm and 10pm, such as FIFA tournaments and various other Xbox games, music evenings (guitar, karaoke), table games board games (Monopoly, Activity, Catan), card games (UNO, Briskola, Tarok, Poker), darts, etc.

The evenings will be free for all students.

Suggest a theme night!

Do you have an idea for a theme night at ŠOUP? Tell us! Ideas can be submitted when attending the event, at or via our social networks Facebook and Instagram.